Friday, April 24, 2009

Saint Jude


There is a group of saints that I hold in high regard and Saint Jude is definitely among them. He is the "Patron of Desperate Cases" and his feast day is celebrated on October 28th. As you read about him he is referred as Jude or Thaddeus but his name is Jude Thaddeus. An interesting fact about Jude is he is a cousin of Jesus who chose to lead a missionary life. Once again proving that God's choice in placing Jesus in Mary and Joseph's family was a wise decision. One of Saint Jude's contributions was the General Epistle of Jude in the Holy Bible.
Jude was a nephew to Mary and Joseph, cousin to Jesus. His father was Cleophas and he died as a martyr. His mother was called Mary, one of the other Mary's of the bible. This particular Mary was present when Jesus died at the cross and she was one of the women who anointed the body of Jesus afterwards. Jude's brother was one of the apostles called James the Less.Now during Jude's early years he must have known Jesus well since later on in his life he left all to be able to follow Jesus. I think its wonderful how his entire family was so involved in the faith.
After the resurrection it is believed that he became a traveling missionary sharing the Gospel all over Palestine and beyond. Saint Jude was given special powers by God. An example of this is how he cured the King of Edessa from leprosy in the name of Jesus. Another example is how he once ordered the devils in pagan idols to leave and the images fell to the ground breaking into pieces. Saint Jude and Saint Simon's last days were spent as missionaries preaching the Gospel in
in Persia. They suffered martyrdom there which consisted of having Saint Jude beaten to death with a club. His head was then severed fromhis body by an ax. Saint Jude's relics are commemorated in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.



If you look in the New Testament you'll find about 4 different Marys. The Mary that I'll be writing about here is Mary: the mother of Jesus, the wife of Joseph, the one chosen by God himself to shape and nurture the redeemer of the world. Who is this Mary? What made her special among the women of her time? In the natural progression of being able to understand her these questions need answering.
To better understand Mary, the person, one must examine her beginnings; her very early beginnings. Mary was born to a couple by the name of Joachim and Anne. They lived in the Jerusalem/Nazareth area. They were of the Jewish faith and they were very devoted to God. As a couple they were unable to have children because Anne was barren and this was considered to be a punishment of God according to their faith, during that time frame. In fact Joachim would go off into the mountains to pray while Anne would pray at home and beg God to give them a child. It was during these prayerful moments that she promised to dedicate her child to God's service.Their prayers were answered.
The Catholic Church defines Mary's birth as the Immaculate Conception which states that Mary was conceived without original sin. This officially became known as the "Immaculate Conception Doctrine" in 1854. Mary is also referred as "Ever Virgin" and this goes back to the promise of God to Isaiah 7:14 which states "a virgin shall conceive and bear a son." I also think it's important to point out how the angel Gabriel addresses Mary by saying, "Hail, full of grace".
I think it's worth noting that Mary is descended from the line of David from the tribe of Judah. As part of the Jewish tradition children are presented in the temple and such was the case with Mary. In- terestingly enough, when Mary was presented at the temple she took a vow of perpetual virginity.

Friday, April 10, 2009

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary

PhotobucketJesus crowning MaryPhotobucket

I would like to start off by stating that God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary hold a permanent place of devotion in my heart. All four have participated in an event that has shaped and made possible the Christian faith. For Christians the belief of the Holy Trinity is undeniably important. One can not believe in God, Jesus or The Holy Spirit without accepting the role of the other as being part of that significant relationship we call the Trinity.
For Roman Catholics Mary is very important as well. I can not imagine God entrusting his beloved son, Jesus, to just anyone. This individual who is to care, love, and teach his beloved son holds an enormous responsibility. If you doubt this just imagine the outcome if God had chosen someone less dedicated, reverent or even less kind? We need only to turn on the news of modern day to see the examples of children lacking proper nurturing. We can all rejoice in the knowledge that Mary was the right person, at the right time for the job. God's wise choice in his selection of Mary, with the assistance of The Holy Spirit, has made Jesus and us the beneficiaries of all her goodness.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why Should I Make A Blog About Saints?


In my search to know more of the human condition it made me wonder what makes a human do extraordinary things? What makes an individual transcend from an average human being to someone of moral and spiritual character so worthy of admiration, imitation and some might even say invoking awe? We all enter the world by the same means. That is to say we are all of the flesh, subject to its strengths and weaknesses. Yet when we compare the finish products, the lives of the saints and others, we are left observing unusual and different outcomes. In my journey to fully understanding sainthood I've come across some compelling and noteworthy information. If this interests you join me and read along.

**References that will be used for the entries in this blog are as follows:
  • The Holy Bible
  • Dictionary Of Saints (abridged)
  • Who's Who In The Bible
  • Picture Book Of Saints
  • Introduction To Catholicism
  • Butler's Lives Of The Saints