Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why Should I Make A Blog About Saints?


In my search to know more of the human condition it made me wonder what makes a human do extraordinary things? What makes an individual transcend from an average human being to someone of moral and spiritual character so worthy of admiration, imitation and some might even say invoking awe? We all enter the world by the same means. That is to say we are all of the flesh, subject to its strengths and weaknesses. Yet when we compare the finish products, the lives of the saints and others, we are left observing unusual and different outcomes. In my journey to fully understanding sainthood I've come across some compelling and noteworthy information. If this interests you join me and read along.

**References that will be used for the entries in this blog are as follows:
  • The Holy Bible
  • Dictionary Of Saints (abridged)
  • Who's Who In The Bible
  • Picture Book Of Saints
  • Introduction To Catholicism
  • Butler's Lives Of The Saints

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