Friday, April 10, 2009

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary

PhotobucketJesus crowning MaryPhotobucket

I would like to start off by stating that God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary hold a permanent place of devotion in my heart. All four have participated in an event that has shaped and made possible the Christian faith. For Christians the belief of the Holy Trinity is undeniably important. One can not believe in God, Jesus or The Holy Spirit without accepting the role of the other as being part of that significant relationship we call the Trinity.
For Roman Catholics Mary is very important as well. I can not imagine God entrusting his beloved son, Jesus, to just anyone. This individual who is to care, love, and teach his beloved son holds an enormous responsibility. If you doubt this just imagine the outcome if God had chosen someone less dedicated, reverent or even less kind? We need only to turn on the news of modern day to see the examples of children lacking proper nurturing. We can all rejoice in the knowledge that Mary was the right person, at the right time for the job. God's wise choice in his selection of Mary, with the assistance of The Holy Spirit, has made Jesus and us the beneficiaries of all her goodness.

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